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NZ Internet, Media, and Business. Rename the NZ Super Rugby teams. Perhaps next time we could actually ask local iwi what name they would like to choose.
When sexual assaut becomes a terrorist act. To me, a terrorist act is one that attacks our way of life, that forces us to change our behaviour. I looked up the definition, and the only difference I can see anyone arguing between it, and the sexual assault that took place last Thursday.
February 18-21, 2014 Florence, Italy. Museums and the Web Florence. It will be held in the Palazzo Vecchio. 19 to 21 February 2014. Museums and the Web F.
It is not the profit margins of the past but those of the future that are important to the investor. Philip A Fisher, 1958. Long-term gains to investors come from companies that focus on creating great end user experiences. We see that companies who focus on the end user, who often is not the paying customer, are most able to create lasting value. How does this work? .
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